Monday, April 1, 2013


John F. Kennedy and the Missile Crisis
By Sharon Brooks

April 25, 2011
ENTC 4017
East Tennes listen State University

In October of 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis was the week the world stood still and brought the Soviet Union and United States closer to nuclear war than any other incident in the Cold War. On October 14, 1962 American U-2 spy planes flew over Cuba bringing back photographs revealing that sites for mean(a) and intermediate range b tout ensembleistic missiles were under construction. These missiles were capable of hit tar gets deep within the United States territory and posed a serious strategic problem for President John F. Kennedy. This similarly posed a political dilemma for the president because of his melt down promises to contain Communism. The threat of nuclear war was right by and by the Bay of Pig invasion in 1961 in which we failed, and besides weeks before the mid-term 1962 elections. President Kennedy was concerned that if he allowed these offensive weapons to stick around only ninety miles from U.S. soil Americans would see this as a sign of weakness on his part.
With this prominent documentation President Kennedy immediately arranged a conflict with his most trusted advisers, because he knew the missiles had to be removed.

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In this face-off they had to develop possible responses to the buildup and the consequences the buildup represented. Early that year President Kennedy delivered ii explicit warnings to the Soviet Premier regarding the defensive Soviet build up in Cuba. If the Soviet Premier ignored his warning and the communistic buildup in Cuba were too endanger the security of the United States and all of its allies he would takes the necessary steps.
President Kennedy delegated a committal called the EXCOMM which included thirteen of his top advisers, and Secretary of State dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, CIA Director John McCone, Attorney ecumenical Robert R. Kennedy, National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy, Vice President...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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