Monday, April 1, 2013

Ideoligical Perspectives

This essay will discuss two ideological perspectives. The author will define ideology. An explanation of how these ideological perspectives underpin complaisant policy will be discussed and an explanation giving examples of the look in which these perspectives ar the causes of and solutions to social problems will be given. at last a summary of the ideological perspectives and social problems will be discussed in the conclusion.

Ideology has many different definitions. It can be the views, ideas and opinions which have been put together. Ideology can also be hold backn as the changes that different groups in society would like to see implemented. The term ideology can also refer to the ideas and beliefs by which human beings come to understand their world and place in it. (Leach, 1996) (Vincent 1995) (Heywood, 2003, p6).

The first ideology to be discussed is Conservatism. It values traditional ideals such as Marriage and families, property and ownership. This ideology believes that mess are corrupt, sinful, weak and even selfish by nature. It tends to favor a practical rather than a theoretical approach. It believes in the ruler of law. This ideology prefers a smaller to a no berth at all for the state to play and it promotes free commercialise economies.

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This means that the government should not interfere to protect interests and that mart forces will determine which company is successful. Conservatisms believe that with everybody competing in an coarse marketplace, services, goods and the economy as whole will improve in its quality and efficiency. (Heywood, 1992) (Leach, 2008). Conservatism states that the power of the government should be special in what it sets out to do and that it should only be inexpugnable enough to maintain law within society. It believes in life opportunities and equality but it is opposed to the idea of equal rewards. This is because it believes that people are born with talents that are not equal making equal rewards unfair. It might make those with...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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