Monday, April 1, 2013

Good Schools vs. Good Teachers

Value-Added Assessment
The topic of education is one that is in high spiritsly debated; often debated is the consequent of what constitutes a good school or good instructor, and how to properly evaluate them appropriately. A new evaluating tool is employ value-added measures, which can focus on a schoolchilds pedantic light uponment to decide teacher raise or tenure as well as the credibility of the curriculum. umpteen teachers do not feel that this evaluation is fair for them because thither is much at stake for them; if the savant does not achieve at the end of the year then the teacher is held bulk accountable.
When it comes down to defining what a good school is, in that location are many differing opinions. in that location are many aspects, including the curriculum, the student to teacher ratios, annual test scores, etc. One token school in Brooklyn, New York demonstrates what its principal Saul Bruckner believes is a good school. Murrow High School not only has high academic aspirations for all of its pupils, but was also designated as an experimental school by the New York City Board of preparation (Ravitch). The school treats all pupils as college-bound students, and it does not implement tracking.

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It was designedly comprised of students with all types of learning levels and abilities, and there is no entrance enquiry as in most prestigious schools around the nation. There is no grade inflation or social promotion, so academic achievement is the primary factor when promoting a student to the next grade. Murrow encourages everyone to attend college, no matter their career goals, and the academic year is made of four 10-week cycles instead of the traditional two semesters. With the different academic year, it allows the students to take more risks; they know that they volition not be stuck in a course that they do not like for too long (Ravitch). Although there seems to be slight leniency on students, make no slue that Murrow places high requirements for graduation. The school gives...If you want to get a expert essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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